Friday, October 23, 2009

Run Yesterday

10/22-6.2 miles-57 minutes

Another decent showing. My best 10k is 53:30. I don't know if I'll get down there this season, but I'm in the ballpark.

I'm down to 2 runs per week, my long run and then my second longest run. Considering my knees don't ache all the time like they have in past seasons and my times are still comparable, this may work out okay. For me, more is definitely not necessarily better. The proof will be in the results of the Seattle Marathon, but if you're facing in the right direction, just keep on running (bastardized buddhist proverb by way of david brent).

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Nice work! Maybe we can try for another run sometime. I did a 4 miler last night on hills at a decent clip not like the sad pathetic 13 min/mile I ran with you, not sure what that was all about.