After a long hiatus here, it's time to get back in the swing.
From October until recently I was working a second job, which really cut into my free time but also added handsomely to my bottom line. That job ended and I am half-heartedly looking for a replacement. In the meantime, I've started thinking about doing some more training.
I've done some dabbling in the gym, done a little running, took my first swim of the season yesterday (four laps-plan on adding two laps per week-KISS principle-engage!). Took a group run last weekend that was very enjoyable. First one ever-still like the solo training, but a group activity once in a while certainly wouldn't hurt.
I got my bike fitted here:
Something I really liked was that Patti, the person who fitted me, didn't push me into clipless pedals. I explained that I've had them and found them restricting, uncomfortable and not a factor in my overall performance. She said that based on my background and experience and the fact that I had completed an ironman, she wasn't going to talk me into anything like clipless pedals.
She really earned her graces after I explained how much I dislike traditional seats, with those ridiculous crotch-busting designs. She pulled out this seat:
It's basically two mini seats that accomodate the sit bones. The one thing I noticed was that there were pronounced pressure points. But I think with a nice thick gel pad seat cover, it should take care of it. And laying in the aerobars was a downright pleasure with the absence of the horn crushing my sensitive bits. I went shopping yesterday for a gel pad and was dismayed to discover that they don't carry them at any of the three bike shops I visited. I owned one back when I had my horrible Specialized Transition and my wonderful Adamo bike seat. I must be the only one in the athletic world who believes you can't have too soft of a seat. I found one online. I haven't tried the seat out on an actual ride yet, but am looking forward to seeing if it's what I've been looking for.
There was a bit of sticker shock at the end of the fitting session. Aerobars are ridiculously expensive-they've got to be made in America at that price! But hey, you get what you pay for, have to spend money to make money, etc. Patti was able to identify a possible reason my back and neck hurt so bad. I arch my bike in a very unnatural way, which I've never noticed before, so I'll have to concentrate on flattening out my back and relaxing a bit. I'm hopeful that the numerous adjustments will make me more comfortable for longer durations
I'll be getting three workouts per week for the next month or so. A long run, a short run with weights and stretching and a swim, and a slow progression for each workout for the next few months. I won't start ironman training in earnest until June, so until then I'll just maintain a reasonable level of fitness.
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